What is Attitudinal Healing?

Attitudinal Healing is a philosophy based on the belief that it is not people or conditions outside ourselves that cause us to be upset.  We are not victims of the world we see.  Rather, our perceptions, beliefs and attitudes are the source of our conflict, pain and unhappiness.  We are not only responsible for our own thoughts; we are responsible for the feelings we experience.  By exploring these feelings, we can eventually heal them.

Attitudinal Healing defines health as inner peace, and healing as letting go of fear.  It emphasizes listening with empathy and without judgment or advice.  It views the purpose of communication as joining and regards happiness as a choice.  Everyone is recognized as a teacher; therefore, we are students and teachers to each other.

This philosophy, and a process for applying it in a support group format, was originally developed at The Center for Attitudinal Healing.  Jerry Jampolsky, a San Francisco area psychiatrist, was motivated to create a safe place for children with life-threatening illnesses to come to talk after overhearing an eight-year old boy ask a physician in a pediatric oncology ward, “What is it like to die?” and observing that the doctor changed the subject.  Dr. Jampolsky and three friends formed this center in 1975.  Since then, a network of independent organizations modeling the work of Dr. Jampolsky and his colleagues has been created in several cities in the United States and in more than thirty other countries.  Please the web site of the organization Attitudinal Healing International http://www.ahinternational.org/for current information about this network.

The goal of an attitudinal healing group is inner peace.  The Center’s Person-To-Person groups are for adults who wish to enhance the quality of life experiences by learning how to apply the principles of attitudinal healing in both their personal and professional lives.

All groups are facilitated by volunteers trained in the model of peer group support developed by The Center for Attitudinal Healing.

Group members read the Guidelines for Attitudinal Healing Groups and the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing at the beginning of each meeting.  The Guidelines establish a group protocol, and the Principles are used by group members as tools for learning how to change painful perceptions and beliefs.

Group discussion involves not only issues of personal growth but also other issues relevant to the concerns of the group members.

Groups meet weekly, and there is no fee.  Group size is limited.  Anyone interested in becoming part of a group must first contact the Executive Director, Stephen Anthony, at 865-588-7707, to determine availability.



OASIS Institute, 4918 Homberg Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919 - (865-588-7707)